
They Get Five, We Get One

My feelings are probably similar to many of you as we heard about the release of American soldier Bowe Bergdahl, who had been captive for almost five years by Afghan rebel fighters.  I thought how great it was to finally have his release and how happy his family must feel.

But, then I heard that we traded five high profile Taliban prisoners from the Guantanamo Bay detainees and I thought, "Why would they do that?"  I heard that Obama broke a decades old rule not to negotiate with terrorists.  Why do you think we have that rule?  SO WE DON'T ANNOUNCE OPEN SEASON ON AMERICANS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD!  Don't you  t h i n k  that would cause some serious problems?

And, then I hear that the President is under law to give Congress a 30 day notice, so they can be consulted on a matter, such as this, that would effect our national security.  Makes sense.  Did the President break the law?

Then I hear stories from soldiers having served at the time Seargent Bergdahl was captured.  Turns out Bergdahl walked away from his post, left a note renouncing his citizenship.  In the very least this is desertion.

Then I heard that it is estimated that over six soldiers lost their lives, perhaps more, as they spent the next 90 days trying to locate Bowe Bergdahl.  Many soldiers serving with him were angry for his treason and the casualties it cost.

When the President stood in the Rose Garden at the White House to announce his celebration of rescuing Bowe, why were there no questions?  Why was there no talk of prosecution for being AWOL? Maybe it's the President who's AWOL?

He allowed our citizens to be massacred in Benghazi without a whisper to defend them, he gave help to Al Quaida in Sudan, he failed to keep our promises in Ukraine and the Russians walked all over us.  He makes deals with Iran and the Palestinians when both are supportive of terrorists.  We give billions away to countries who support terrorists and then we don't have the means to TAKE CARE OF OUR OWN VETERANS??!!

He always seems to offer the 1 to 5 ratio.  They get five, we get one.  Who's side is this president on anyway?

Today's special price on a McNaughton piece of art, go to this link:


  1. I heard Obama say today, " We don't leave our own behind." Well, what about our four dead in Benghazi? He left them behind and we still don't have the answers to why!! Disgusting and it is very hard to call him a president and I don't because I'm ashamed to call him that!

  2. I absolutely agree, no US citizen will feel safe now that the "Will Not Negotiate With Terrorist" has been broken..... And how many laws are we going to let this so called President break.

  3. Our president is not fit to hold office anymore. He has done so much harm to our country, I sincerely doubt that we will ever recover from his malfeasance.

  4. I agree with your statement and the 3 comments ahead of me. This is outrageous and TOTALLY illegal.

  5. I agree with what you say, for the most part - but the whole Ukraine/Russia thing is more complicated than that. Remember when O told the Russian PM to tell Putin that he would have more leeway when he was re-elected? Did you know that O sent $5 Billion taxpayers' $$ to Ukraine to fund the overthrow of their government, by neo-Nazis who were sympathetic to the EU - and that O has promised Ukraine at least a million more if they do? Wheels within wheels, Jon - that whole situation was set up to cripple NATO by getting Putin to join with China and make deals for oil/raise prices for natural gas to Europe. He is not only a traitor to the US but to our allies. Even Afghanistan has charged him with breaking International law over this "prisoner trade". Think he cares?

    1. Oh, I just barely brushed those issues. You're right.

  6. Obama admitted that he broke the law. Carney said there were "exigent circumstances". It was purely a political ploy - again - to distract us from something else, only this one is backfiring on him. He has just made all Americans open targets for other kidnappings.

  7. Several months ago ,Obama was in an interview with George Stephanopoulos. Religion was one of the topics. Obama referred to his MUSLIM faith and Stephanopoulos quickly corrected him,with Obama saying "yes,yes,I meant my Christian faith.". IN that slip of the tongue,the truth was made evident to all. And so now we still question why he favors and defends Muslims...

  8. I heard today on FOX News that one of the prisoners exchanged is responsible for the deaths of 2,000 people! God Help Us!

  9. If all Americans haven't caught on to his plan, or his inability by now, those are as dumb as a slug in a mud pond. We're in a heap of doodoo right now and the ONLY ONE TO BLAME is O. I won't call him anything more than that because he does not deserve it.

  10. no, they got six, 5 to go back to work in the midd least and one American Taliban to do his crimes here, till someone takes him off the streets, or till the military tries him for desertion, but considering the efforts obama went for this guy, I am sure the military wont try him .....those who think it will will be warned off him....

  11. This Manchurian President has told us in the past & even while he was still an "unknown" senator what his plans are & who he really is. The problem is those plans where not brought to light like they should have been. The progressive movement has ben pushing the Overton Window towards the left for over a hundred years. Since Barry took office he has been pushing the window harder & harder towards the left at a faster pace. Since he has a second term now he also has "more flexibility" as well to do more radical things.

  12. There has been some really interesting things mentioned here today and I would like to chime in here. I have never done this before but I am compelled to address this and share my feelings here. Please bear with me. I am an Idahoan and at first my heart sang of the news of the release of fellow Idahoan Bowe Bergdahl, And then I started to read all of the things that has been released about his history and the interviews of the men that served with him and my heart is not singing anymore. I love my Red, White, And Blue clear to my core, and to be honest here I really am not sure what to think of all of this. I have pulled back and I am trying to sort through all that has taken place from our so called President right on down the line. I suppose I could say I am a little numb right now. I am not sure what will happen with all of this but I trust that the truth will prevail and whatever happens is for the best whatever that is...

  13. Remember our commitments to Poland and the Czech Republic on Missal defense? Bush had made a promise that had been approved and Obama and then Secretary of State Hilary Clinton stopped it. Those countries have really got to be nervous now that Russia is acting so aggressively. In fact maybe Russia would of stayed out of the Ukraine with those US missals so close.

  14. This is old news. If people just read the news, this wouldn't be a surprise. From 2012:

  15. We always SAY we don't negotiate with terrorists, but we do... all the time.
    Oliver North, with approval from the Reagan administration, illegally sold IRAN 2000 missiles during an embargo, took the money and gave it to the terrorists Contras in Nicaragua. A DOUBLE terrorist negotiation... and he has the gall to go on TV and criticize Obama?

  16. I love your work and the messages you relay. I wish that there was some way to turn back the clock to the days before this atrocity began and that the people who knew who he really was had had the guts to come forth and say "Not eligible to run, remove his name." and his enablers had known they were caught and not going to win. But it seems our entire elected body chose to bow to the word "racist" and let him in rather than allow what was almost crystal clear from the first mention of his name. We are captives of gutless and soulless wielders of the 'rule of law' as is now exists. May God have mercy on us such as this artist who fearlessly portray truth. Thank you, Mr. McNaughton, for a ray of light.

  17. Thanks. I only knew of this Blog today.
