
Were Your Prayers Unanswered?

I have read countless letters from good Christians who have felt great remorse and have even questioned the validity of their prayers as they witnessed the election go to President Barack Obama.  Some have even gone so far as to say it was God’s will that he be president.  Why would God allow so many prayers to go unanswered? 

This last election was historic on so many levels.  Never has our country been more polarized in one direction or the other.  The viewpoints regarding the role of government and the role of God in our society have never been so diverse. 

Elections are about choice.  There were only three choices in this election:  Vote for Obama with his entitlement, big government, anti-Christian views; or vote for Romney with his less government, less regulation, stronger military and religious freedom views.  The third choice was to do nothing and in effect cast your vote for Obama.

So, was God in this election?  Absolutely Yes!!!  You may say He offered the American people a “tender mercy.”  A tender mercy is a blessing from God that we don’t deserve, but He offers it anyway.  America is dying on the vine with our economy in shambles and unemployment at all time highs. We are also in a dangerous situation with our enemies and corruption is running rampant in Washington.  We needed a candidate that would help America get moving in the right direction.

But Americans chose a President who is under scrutiny for his actions in Benghazi and the Fast and Furious gun running scandal.  They chose a candidate that is Pro-choice at the highest level.  They chose a man who ran a deceitful campaign.  They chose a man who has demonstrated policies that have hurt the American economy and increased our debt twice the amount of the former President.  They chose Obama anyway!

Perhaps they made their choice because Romney was a Mormon?  Perhaps they saw in Obama a better chance for them getting a government handout.  Perhaps they were pro-choice, pro-Gay rights, or just liked Obama’s smile?  We are now a country that leans to the left 51 to 49%.  We are past the tipping point.

So where is God in this?  He gave America a lifeline…and they rejected it.  God is forever merciful, but we ALWAYS have the freedom to choose.  I believe that Romney was the tender mercy God sent to help save America. 

I’m afraid to see the next chapter of this story.  As the polarization widens in this country the time will come when the wicked will have to face the consequences of their actions.  Continue to pray with all your might that God will preserve this nation.  Our prayers are always answered, but often we don’t see God’s hand until the dust settles.


  1. Amen, my friend. Solid discernment. I couldn't agree with you more. May God continue to bless His work through your hand and your voice.

  2. Thank you for writing this. Thank you for your paintings that so accurately describe what is happening in our nation today. For the first time, I mourned over the out come of a presidential election. I am sadden that many people will not realize the problem with choosing Obama until great suffering occurs. God will be there to comfort those that seek Him.

  3. I agree 100% with everything you stated above. We need to continue to pray and exercise faith. I really enjoy your landscapes and Christian paintings but I feel what you are painting now is so important in our future. God bless you and God bless America

  4. As a Christian, I know that God is still on the throne and he allowed this to happen. Anybody who reads their Bible knows that God would raise up and he would bring low when the Israelites moved away from him and frankly, this country is moving quickly away from him. Look at how God is taken out of everything and abortion is a CHOICE. Now gay marriage and legalized marijuana is the new thing. So let's face it, God is taking his hand of protection away from this once great country. Think about it, Romney was up 5 points over Obama in national polls until, and ONLY until Hurricane Sandy and then Romney lost his momentum. Coincidence? Methinks not! God is allowing Obama as our President so that maybe we will once again turn to him, just like the Israelites did sooo many times. This may be our 40 years in the desert.

  5. Love your paintings, btw. You have TRUTH in them!

  6. Well said, and I totally agree! We can only band together, those of us who are like minded and continue to pray for our country, friends and family. Even if we don't agree with them. Everything happens for a reason, even if we can not see or understand it.

  7. God ABSOLUTELY had his hand in this, just because it didn't go our way only means that he has a much better plan, a plan that will enable his perfect works! Let us not be sad nor frightened, but let us prepare ourselves for hard times. Let us all learn the Parable of the "Fig Tree" as Jesus instructed and also let us be as Watchmen, for the end is near! God have mercy on us.

  8. Your words are EXACTLY how I feel!! I prayed that there were enough righteous people in our country for God to step in, but apparently there aren't. People are being blinded by Satan and his followers.Things need to get a lot worse before they get better and that's scary! I feel bad for our kids and grand kids and the wicked world they are being handed. Now we know why they truly are the "Chosen Generation!" They HAVE to be the strongest! I'm so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and that we have an amazing prophet to lead us in these latter days. Thank you for your words and your amazing artwork. You truly are inspired:)

  9. I don't believe our prayers were unanswered. God doesn't do just what we wish at that time. He gave us a brain to think for outselves and if we can't do that, then a lot of what goes on is our fault and God is watching over us but hoping we have the intelligence to do what is right for the common mankind. So stop thinking God let us down - we let ourselves down for not paying attention to what has been happening and to the lies. Do your homework - research these people - check all avenues of "actual" documentation and videos of what people are really saying.
    Yes God answered our prayers but not the way we wanted. He didn't vote for us - he gave us the intelligence to do that ourselves and hoped we had the intelligence to do what is right, but from what happened more people don't have the intelligence.

  10. Then, again, maybe the reason Obama won the election was because of voter fraud. Ohio County reported there were 108% of registered voters that voted, and Boston reported 129%. Interesting that the only states Obama carried were the only ones without voter fraud laws in place. Even though some men are evil and corrupt, and will do anything to promote their evil designs, I still think that God has a hand in everything. It will be interesting to see how this all shakes out in the next few months.

  11. You expressed what is in my heart so perfectly! Thank you!!! Keep up the good work- your art is a powerful tool for good.

  12. Yes, God did hear our prayers. God has three answers for prayer - yes, no, and not now. I think by allowing Romney to win, we would have had the easy way out. When you say 'America elected Oboma', remember 49% voted against him. I believe God allowed the trial of Obama winning to teach us the value of marriage, religious freedom, and chastity. As one Priest said, 'The Church thrives in persecution' We now have a choice - keep fighting for what Jesus taught us was most important to God - and it's not who is in the White House. It's "And He answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself." That is what our Founding Fathers based their constitution on, and that is how we should live today.

  13. We see things through the eyes of man and not with the infinite wisdom of God. Remember that God allowed the Hebrews to suffer at the hands of the Egyptians for over 400 years before he sent Moses to deliver them. After seeing his miracles they still turned their backs on him in the desert. When Christ came to Earth many thought he would deliver Jerusalem from the Romans. We do not know what the plan of God is; only that after we have gone through whatever trial and tribulation he has allowed to take place, we will eventually be delivered from this evil or judged by our actions.

  14. As a Christian, I think you are misinterpreting the signs before us. All through his career, Mitt Romney has continued enriching the godless regimes of China, Vietnam and Thailand. He has persisted in keeping his ill-gotten gains in places like Barbados and Switzerland, thereby not following the edict of the Bible to 'render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's'. In having a good Christian like Barack Obama (a man, I might add, who probably looks a darn sight more like Jesus than Mitt, based on geographic origin...but I digress) elected to office, God is showing us that the words you say are less important than the things you do.
    Health care for the poor. What would Jesus do? Barack Obama did that.
    Takings care of our soldiers. What would Jesus do? Barack Obama did that.
    Protecting the poor from the avariciuos bankers? What would Jesus do? Barack Obama did that.
    Protecting a woman's right to choose...okay, maybe not. But that's what America chose.

    I think that if you look, really look at what Barack Obama has tried to do, you'll see that this IS God's plan...and that your misinterpretation of his desires is kind of like Fox News and the Romney campaign misinterpreting the nation's desires. You might be on the wrong side of what God REALLY wants.

    1. If Obama was a Christian he would attend Church.
      If Obama was a Christian he would not be so pro abortion.
      If Obama was a Christian he would not be trying to force the Catholic Church to bend to his healthcare mandates.
      If Obama was a Christian he would not abandon the Holy Land to Muslims who want to destroy God's people.

      Obama is not a Christian in my view. He pushes social programs for the furtherment of his own and the Democratic party's power.

    2. Another victim of MSNBC! As a veteran, I do not condone our military votes not being counted. Dead and illegals votes counted, but not those of our men and women in uniform, in which you care nothing about, go without their voices being heard! There's a difference between protecting the poor and creating the poor. Healthcare for the poor? There wasn't anyone in this country without healthcare before their power grab. Soon, no one will have healthcare here. But you will be paying for it. You simply don't understand what made this country great. It was formed by the hand of God! Many deny Him. Many have turned their backs on Him. Don't expect any blessing from God. Expect cursings. God has done so many things to make it easier for us. He came to die on the cross for our sins. He had opened the vale from top to bottom so we can come in and talk to Him. No more sacrifices. He only wants our love. Yet so many will deny Him for the AC. They have created the grand illusion and once it is gone, you're going to wish for mountains to fall upon you. It's all in the Book. I suggest and pray that you read it and turn off MSNBC and FOX, before it's too late! Amen.

  15. No.. God heard ALL of our prayers. Remember when we pray, we say, "If it be your will Father..", though we may not understand at this moment, God does have the plan. We may not understand it, or like it, but He did send us a letter through His prophets and scribes, foretelling us all things. Daniel, Ezekiel, Revelation, just to name a few. The Psalms are another great source. If you rightly divide, and understand God's word, you will see that everything is going just as He says it would. It always has, it always will.

    Love Him and you have nothing to worry about. Remember, "Let not your heart be troubled." Psalms 37 is a great one for today.

  16. Perhaps God is giving us a chance to gather and bring forth the proper punishment for his many sins against us. With States filing to recede from the Union, and those attempting to nullify Obama and is health plan, We can put our support in our loyal military that their filing against Obama for treason will give us the opening for a second chance to rid ourselves of this man for good. Forgive me my soap box rhetoric, but God has shown me that everything happens for a reason, and I will never lose doubt that he has a reason behind this. God Bless All

  17. Some of God's greatest gifts are "unanswered" prayers

  18. I do not, for one moment, profess to know what God's will is for our country. Nor do I pretend to know why He does the things He does. I do know that He gave us free will and the power of choice (follow Him or don't follow Him). I have learned from experience that, even though I may not understand why things happen in this world the way they do, it always turns out to be the best thing for all those involved.

    To all of you who are worried about the end result of another four years of Obama: remember the end of the Book. I have a deep rooted and unshakable faith in Christ. I know, without a doubt, that the Bible is true and accurate. No matter how bad it gets, and it is going to get bad, the end result is the rapture of God’s people and the second coming of Christ.

    Whether or not Obama is a good man, a righteous man or a true Christian is not for me to judge. I will let God do that job.

    I love this country, and it saddens me to see the way it is headed. All I can do is brace myself for what is to come. The end will be here soon enough.

    Until then, I maintain my faith, trust in His decisions, and know that my true home is in Heaven worshiping the Father.

  19. Jon, I love your paintings and I love your thoughts on the outcome of the election. I am saddened and fear for the future of our great land, especially when I see those who are cheering for the coming of socialism to our country. I also feel that Mitt was a tender mercy prepared to lift our country out of ruin. The more I observed him the more impressed I became. I have felt the assurance of the Lord, that He will use even these trying times to fulfill his purposes for his children. As Alma tells us, the Lord allows the righteous to suffer so that his judgments that come upon the wicked will be just, and His hand will be evident. Thank you for all you do. May God bless your efforts.

  20. I'm not sure how differently Obama will govern than Romney would have, but the fact that for the first time, same-sex marriage was voted in by the people is certainly a sign that charity and compassion are becoming more lived and not only preached in this great country. I think we have come very far.

  21. I believe we are moving towards Ending times.
