
Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged

Here is a short dialogue I had with a visitor to my Facebook…

Smith said:
Have you ever read the bible Jon? "Judge not lest ye be judged"! I'm sure that God does not think of Obama as "evil"! Why can't we just pray and ask that who ever is our president will make the right decisions for our country.

McNaughton said:
Judge not lest ye be judged? You just judged me. We are required to judge every day between right and wrong. I will forgive a person who trespasses me and comes asking for forgiveness. I will strive to not have malice in my heart toward any man.  I will not suspend mercy on those who ask for it.  But I will not sit idly by and watch an insidious group of people destroy our country. Imagine if G. Washington had said to the Colonials as they prepared to fight the British, "Judge not let ye be judged." Smith, Christ also said, "So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth." Rev 3:16  We can not sit on the fence when it comes to standing up for what is right.


  1. Excellent response, Jon. Thank you for defending our freedom while teaching a mini lesson on critical thinking.

  2. Not only a great response...but the correct one. How can we go through life successfully without judging right from wrong. Keep up the great work. Not only are you a wonderful artist...but you are standing up for what you believe. We need more people with that kind of courage!

  3. There's also 1 Corinthians 6:3. Just sayin'.

    Keep up the message, Jon. The Body of Christ needs more who know the truth AND have the boldness to proclaim it.

  4. Amen Jon, I am with you on this. I am a Jew and I see things from a Jewish perspective. Where would we be today in Israel if we did not make sound judgements about our enemies? Here is how I see that Scripture in question: G-d is the only one who can damn a person to hell by righteously judging them... we cannot. Only G-d can Judge on matters of Salvation That Scripture in question is a matter of Salvation and Damnation ... which none of us really have the power over. So G-d is telling us to not Judge a person when it comes to their Salvation or Damnation. But there are also Scriptures which tell us to "Judge Righteous Judgement." John 7:24 We make Judgements everyday, as you have said, we judge what foods we like to eat, we judge what cloths we like to where, we judge what hairstyles and lifestyle we like to live.... we also judge what is Right and Wrong according to G-d's Torah in how we react to everything and everybody around us in our world today. This is what G-d tells us to do. So when we make the Judgement that Obama is not good for our Nation, this judgement has nothing to do with Salvation of his soul but everything to do with the Salvation of Freedom for ourselves our children and our Grandchildren. Freedom is endowed by G-d and we are entrusted with protecting and defending it.... that my dear Sirs, is the Judgement G-d means for us to make for others as well as ourselves. Anything or anybody that endangers our Freedom and our lives comes against not only us but our G-d as well. We Judge Righteous Judgement indeed and leave it to G-d to Judge Obama's soul!

  5. 1 Corinthians 2:15
    The spiritual man [ie: the believer] makes judgments about all things, but he himself is not subject to any man's judgment.

    Keep up your good work and speak your mind. It is our voices that will change the direction of our country. I am proud to walk your same path.

  6. I personally agree with what you wrote back in response to Smith. Today more than ever it seems there is a heavy spiritual battle going on and the one place that evil wants to destroy is the body of believers. I pray for all of us to hold steadfast and for our country and the leadership, may God's mercy be with us. I thank the Lord for the gifts He has given you.

  7. Evil wears many faces. Are we not to watch for evil and rebuke it in the name of the Christ? It's a sad time in America when we have to explain values, because the line between right and wrong is constantly under attack by media and political correctness.

  8. That is a very appropriate response, I think many people believe they understand God and maybe they do to the extent that He wants them to...I believe you Jon are accurate in what Heavenly Father would expect of His children. Many people do not understand that we live in "the promised land" and that it is our duty to defend it as He would want us to. Hundreds of thousands of men, women and children have died for this great cause. Defending our rightful, God given land. If we do not defend it - who will. This country is going to hang by a thread before it realizes what is going on. Thank you Jon as you are a defender of rightousness! :)

  9. I very much agree with your response. It actually sounded familiar. I posted one of your pictures on facebook and I was attacked for being judgemental and other things. I basically said the same thing you did. I 100% appreciate your work and all you are doing to stand up for your beliefs and our wonderful country! I am proud to be an American and I love this land. I am not proud of where we are right now and we need to all stand for what we believe! Thank you!

  10. http://prophecy.org/1934pro.htm

    Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera November 17th, 2008

    I do not understand the Lord's timing in revealing these Words, but here are some of the Words the Lord gave me about Barack Obama during the past year:

    "Barack Obama has a very large and powerful demonic force behind him. Barack Obama is a low life and a liar. Barack Obama is a loser. Do not fear, Reymundo, I will protect you. You are in My Hands."

    for more prophecies visit -www.prophecy.org-

  11. I'm no prophet, but when the vp says "they want to put ya'll back in chains" knowing this is a lie, and no one in the democratic party has a problem with it, it is accepted but when we call them on this obvious lie, we are judgemental? There was a time when a good and professional journalist was measured by his objectivity, we now have journalists who were educated by liberal professors who taught them that slanting the news to the left was educating the masses...what is the saying...the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. Well shame on us for letting the ACLU kick God out of school. Once that happened it was easy for the liberals to step in and take over. And here we are...so what now?

  12. I completely agree with you, Jon. God created us to act for ourselves, not to be acted upon! Letting a president and those who work with and for him make decisions like the ones he is making are taking away our freedom/agency... Keep reading your bible and other scriptures for that one. :) Mens' [human race] hearts will fail them... we're seeing so many signs of this. Do you not think that signs of our freedoms/liberty/agency being taken away are not signs of this?

  13. You are 100% correct Jon. Those who toss out the old "don't judge" jingoism are most often not even close to being practicing Christians and don't know anything about scripture or the apostolic teaching traditions. We MUST judge - but we are to judge JUSTLY. Yes, we are first to remove the plank from our own eye (our prejudices) and to conform our selves to the Christian Morality Christ taught us - but having done so we MUST judge. If we don't speak out when we see blatant wrong and evil then we WILL SHARE in the guilt of those we do not admonish. That's how God works - we are ALL in this together and it is NOT an expression of love to remain silent and let a person fall into grave sin and alienate themselves from God and suffer eternal loss. That is the exact OPPOSITE of love since the consequences are ETERNAL. If there was any one single myth I would like to see expunged from human history is the crazy idea that Christ told us not to judge wrong BEHAVIORS from PROPER BEHAVIORS. We must not ever however judge a SOUL as LOST - only God can do that since only He knows that the internal disposition of a person is. But we can certainly judge and must judge behaviors. How else can we "forgive our enemies" if we put out heads in the sane and pretend that none exist unless we judge? More full scripture exposition here: http://www.catholic.com/magazine/articles/judge-not

  14. It doesn't take a rocket scientist nor a judge (as in condemning some one) to tell a tree by it's fruit. Apple trees have apples, banana trees bananas. It is trying times like these that wisdom and discernment need to be woven into the fabric of judgment. Take council with eyes and ears, but use wisdom and understanding to determine truth from lies - those spoken or left unsaid.
    What was Obama's given name - wasn't it Barry something? Are you AWARE that when a person chooses Islam for a religion, you change your name? I learned THAT in 1972, on a college campus in S.D from a few radicals on campus, affiliated with Black Panthers....just saying....

  15. Fight and pray. We have only ourselves to blame for the apathy that led to this.

  16. I agree with Jon too. I like every human on this earth makes daily decisions based on right or wrong, good or bad etc. The final judgement we will all face on Judgement Day, none of us will escape what the ALMIGHTY has waiting for us as individuals.

    Your paintings and inspiration clearly comes from a higher power. You Jon have been chosen and gifted with the most amazing talent and G-D uses your fingers to send a message to the world. The Divine spirit of G-D works thru your arm, hands, eyes and mind.

    Too bad some people have not only their hearts closed, but also their minds. Some people will never see the truth.

    Thanks for all your beautiful pieces, someday I hope to have one hanging in my home.


  17. Wow it seems that people who DO NOT read the bible have discovered the "Judge not lest you be judged" verse. Sadly they haven't read any further and don't realize that verse describes THEM. Those who judge not as YHWH would judge but in their own rebellion to the things of YHWH. Talk about a plank in the eye!

    Jon keep seeking TRUTH,keep following TRUTH and imulating TRUTH. And one day you will meet TRUTH face to face and He will say "well done good and faithful servant."
