Troy has been wanting to debate the content of my paintings and my assertions regarding Socialism for a long time. I have agreed to discuss it with him on my Blog. It's difficult to simply throw out one sentence antidotes to heavy questions, therefore I have done my best to explain my positions. I don't expect us to convert each other, but it makes for a good mind bender.
Okay Jon, where are the details? What Obama policies are
unconstitutional? Which policies are hurting the country? And why? I've done
some investigating on your website and can't find the details. I've asked these
questions here and received no answers.
Here is my response:
I believe that Obama has committed many unconstitutional
acts since becoming President. He
is certainly not the first president to do this, but we will focus our attention here on President Obama.
On my website, under “What Has Obama Done” (1) I have only
listed a few of his unconstitutional acts as president. I will attempt here to explain myself
Before Marbury v. Madison in 1803, the Supreme Court could
not mandate law and could only take a position on whether laws and actions were
deemed constitutional. Now, unless
a lawsuit is brought to the court and they feel it is worthy of their time, the
court rarely makes judgments on the unconstitutional acts of Congress or the
President. (2) To assume anything is constitutional just because the high court
has not ruled against it is naïve.
Fortunately, the Supreme Court took the case of 28 states
that have filed lawsuits against Obamacare for its individual mandate. This is unprecedented in the history of
our country. They are proving that the mandate is not a tax and it is in fact a
“penalty” for not complying. (3)This
is the most egregious of his acts as president. Forcing our citizens to purchase a product with penalty of
noncompliance is a blatant disregard for the Constitution. Not only was Obamacare
not approved by the majority of Americans and pushed through the Senate, it was
also not given enough time to properly read what was in it before passing. (4) It has created an environment of
fear, which has prevented many businesses from hiring additional employees and
many have concluded that it has extended the recession. (5) Also, there is
plenty of evidence that it will reduce the quality and accessibility of
healthcare (15) in the long run and lead to a trillion dollars in additional
national debt. It is Obama’s
greatest “achievement” toward leading us down the road to Socialism. To suspect that a new bureaucracy
within the US government will be efficiently managed is a fantasy. Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid,
and numerous government programs are the continuous example of poorly managed federal government. (6)
Also, the evidence is mounting that Obama was in fact born
in Kenya. In my original list I did not include this because the evidence was
circumstantial at best. But things
have changed. (7) If this is
resolutely confirmed, it will be one of the greatest lies ever perpetrated upon
the American people. Whether it is
considered important or not, it is a direct prerequisite of our Constitution,
that he be a naturally born citizen.
People have tried to ridicule
this notion since day one, but Obama has done nothing to resolve this until
last year when he released the long form of his BC. Since then, it has been proven to be a forgery and there has
been additional evidence, which has shown there is reason to doubt its
authenticity. (8)
We also have the appointment of various “Czars”, which
have great power in his administration without any congressional
oversight. That is brow raising in
itself, but many of his chosen appointees have Communist sympathies and radical
ideologies. (9)
Obama attacked Libya without consulting Congress to
declare war. We were not being
attacked by Libya and it was an unprovoked act of aggression. (10)
Buying GM was out of bounds. When government decides who the winners and losers are
without regards to a company’s bondholders you have crossed the line. If GM has been allowed to go through
bankruptcy court it would have been bought up by other car companies, rehired
many of the workers and come out a better company. (11)
Signing the NDAA.
I was concerned when Romney stated he would have signed it as well. All though it was necessary to pass a
military budget, the disregard for the Fourth Amendment is stunning. Where is the Supreme Court on this one?
Everything about big government spending is
unconstitutional because in goes outside the bounds of limited government. (13)
I could go on, but for sake of time I’ll stop here. (14)
After you respond, I will move to the next topic: The pros or cons of Socialism.