
Ron Paul or Mitt Romney?

I am a Constitutionalist, but I am also a realist.  I would prefer to eliminate the Federal Reserve, go back to the gold standard, and pull back the government bureaucracy, regulation, taxes and spending.  In fact, I would prefer a United States that existed prior to 1913 before Wilson set the wheels in motion to create the social democratic welfare state that exists today.  America has dug a hole so big it seems almost impossible to fix it.   But I believe it can be done.

Here is the wisdom:  it is not going to happen in a single election.  It is not going to happen this year or even the next.  It may take decades of elections, debate, and informing our fellow Americans to gradually sway the popular opinion of the majority—but it can be done.

This is more than a battle of Democrats versus Republicans.  It is a battle against an ideology of government, economics and social values.  It is defining what we want as Americans. Many people today focus on the acquirement of things, even if it means extending their credit limit. It is a “give it to me now” society that is reflected in both our people and government.  

So what is to be done?

In recent years there has been a push toward a constitutionally pure government.  The Tea Party conservatives and people like Ron Paul have created awareness among a growing number of Americans.  But I am afraid that there is a pervasive attitude among some of these fellow patriots that it is either all or nothing.  Some have said that a vote for Romney is no better than a vote for Obama.  Is that really true?  One it the fast track and the other the slow track to insolvency. (by not eliminating the Fed) But the country is not ready for a sudden reversal.  It will take time.  It took the left about one hundred years of patiently waiting to get where we are today.  Should we not be patient and careful as we try to save our country?  Why can’t we use faith and prayer and hard work, do our best to awaken the American spirit among our people? The polarizing effect of Obama will only strengthen this awareness as people begin to see the errors of Socialism.

If Mitt Romney were to be elected, (He's the most likely to get the GOP nomination.) he said he would take action to repeal Obamacare.  He would also loosen the federal government’s hold on small businesses and create an environment to help revive the economy.  These are big steps to reducing the size of government.  Realistically, Ron Paul does not yet have the support to win.  But when the country is ready, someone like Ron Paul will step forward and lead us back to true liberty.

Don’t lose hope!  We may not win the battle, but we can still win the war.


  1. Jon I love your work. LOVE it, all of it. If it weren't for your most recent works however, I doubt I would have seen your other extremely talented works. I agree with you that it took us about 100 years now to get where we are now. I don't however believe that we can wait another 100 years, nor should we to get back to the ideals that built this great nation of ours. I don't think we have that kind of time to slowly push forward that Agenda. Romney may as well be Obama. They are funded by the same corporations and he will push forward the same senseless and preemptive wars that he's told to...He is a false choice and should he be elected that will only serve to pacify for a short time the justified outrage of our population as Obama did when we transitioned from 8 years of the Bush and Cheney tyranny. We can get this country back and I think it can and needs to happen sooner rather than later. Again, I love your works and feel privileged to have seen and share them with others even if I could never afford them. You truly are an inspiring and talented Artist.

    1. Hi Everybody - Does anyone know how much toilet paper I have to order to get free shipping?

  2. Well I agree with you and even though Romney is not my pick if he does get the Nom then anyone but Obama is better. I think it is going to take lots of PRAYER and think that is what God is calling us to do. And No it is not going to happen over night But, we need to be more involved and teach others how we got here. It is going to take paitence and educating others about what our Constition and what our Forefathers had in mind when they wrote it. We have too much Government and not enough individuality even with the states. And we need to start taking back our Country and start this Nov. before we are too far in the wrong direction and gone to make a come back.

  3. I wholeheartedly agree with you John
    it will take years to dig out of the hole we are in
    it worries me talking to people who support Ron Paul that they don't want to support Mitt
    we have to rally together to take back our country one step at a time
    thank you also for your great paintings
    wonderful work !!!!

    1. People who support Ron Paul wont support Mitt because they support different policies. Mitt, supports big government and wont make the necessary cuts it needs, and he is pro war which both of these issues need some serious looking at. Mitt doesn't think the Fed needs to be audited. Ron Paul supporters understand that the Fed is controlling the world, not just the United States. If we voted for Mitt Romney we would be voting for policies which have failed us for decades and will change nothing.

  4. We dont have that kinda time John. There is no comprimise because theres no time left to pander. Its pandering and comprimise thats led to this mess in the first place. I have no faith that Mitt Romney will be any different than Obama Fiscally or Constitutionally.

    1. Raymond, Jon makes the argument that Progressives have had over 100 years to get US where we are now; so why double down on a candidate like Ron Paul and all his negatives only to have him beaten by Obama in the general election?

  5. I was a Paul supporter and I will vote for Romney. Any change in the current momentum in D.C. is worth it to me. I do believe there is little difference between Obama and Romney, but there is SOME difference and I'm willing to take the chance on Romney with good faith instead of suffering through another destructive four years with Obama. We'll have no liberties left in 2016 if he is reelected.

  6. The phrase I dislike the most is "anyone but Obama" it simply is not true. Gingrich and Romney and Obama all support the same policies. Romney will take us to the road of disaster slower, great. But I morally can not vote for someone throwing and trampling on so many other true principles just to compromise that it is a little better. Ron Paul for 2012, if Romney is the nominee, I will still vote for Ron Paul. No one can tell me who to vote for even if he is not on the ballot. Truth Matters!

    1. Well, then, let's just give up now and hand it over to Obama to continue destroying this country if the conservatives can't agree. Because the liberals DO agree on their candidate, and after another 4 years of Obama, there will be NO Constitution left to concern yourselves about. Obama will see to that!

  7. I highly doubt that Rep./Capt./Dr. Paul has any more (or better) of a plan to fix our nation's wrongs than does Mitt Romney. Furthermore, I honestly believe that Ron Paul is every bit the RINO that Rick, Mitt, and Newt are.
    Ron may be strong on constitutional and monetary principles, but his foreign policy acumen has much (MUCH) to be desired. His stand on Iran scares the living daylights out of me. I don't think he understands radical Islam in the least.
    Mitt may not be anywhere near the constitutionalist that Rep. Paul is, but I believe that he can work with both sides to advance an agenda that works for ALL Americans. Mitt may be a so-called flip-flopper on certain issues, but then even Ronald Reagan was once a liberal before he became a conservative.
    The bottom line is that Barack Obama has had four years to apply solutions our country's problems. His solutions have only created further grief, anxiety, and ersatz communism. His policies have failed and he must be replaced.
    I will vote to give Mitt a chance, and if he fails, I'll vote for someone else. Unfortunately, Ron Paul will not be able to get my vote because he doesn't have the delegates to win the Republican nomination.

    1. "Unfortunately, Ron Paul will not be able to get my vote because he doesn't have the delegates to win the Republican nomination."

      don't speak too soon

  8. Jon, I am a realist, too - and spent 30 years in politics. I know what Romney is, and I know Ron Paul. There is a huge difference between the two... and not a great difference between Romney and Obama. BUT - here is the thing that everyone forgets - it is not just Obama and Romney taking the corporate donations, picking away at the Constitution, keeping the Fed Reserve in power over our lives, and destroying the economy to turn this country into a system of serfs and overlords - it is Congress. Ron Paul in the Oval Office won't make a difference because Congress won't let him. Romney will 'go along to get along' will renege, will excuse, will pander - and Congress will love him. They are all cut from the same cloth.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Every Ron Paul person I have listened to or read in support of their candidate has sounded like they are a closet patriot ready to stash their food and unveil their weapons at the first sign of conflict. I am a patriot, if called on I would lay down my life for the principles of the constitution, but this wouldn't be done before I would pick up my life for the principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Ron Paulers push their agenda as actively as Nancy Pelosi pushes hers...this will get us nowhere. Christ taught to us to agree with our adversaries while in the way. There are millions of middle of the road people from conservative democrats to liberal republicans who are ready to be led by moderation to a restoration of freedom and liberty, and die hard party liners who will follow the masses as the masses move to merger. Mitt Romney can take us to this union that Ron Paul would surely distance himself from. The Ron Paul advocates remind me of the man who lies dying in the street breathing out his last words "I had the right of way!" Remember the Gospel, God doesn't love just me or you or him or her, his plan is inclusive not exclusive. The extremity of intolerance is bred in the bed of egotism.

  11. Unfortunately, I am afraid Romney is just taking us to the same place Obama is, albeit more slowly, look at the puppet masters, so to speak, not the puppets. I'm a conspiracy theorist, and again, unfortunately, it's not so much a theory any more these days.

  12. Mitt Romney is not a Constitutionalist, he has stated a few times he would rather talk to lawyers rather than read the Constitution himself for answers to handle issues.

    Anyway, I have not ever voted for a republican or democrat. If in the future that changes it would likely only happen in a primary election for a person like Ron Paul, but in the general election I would mostly likely vote thrid party or just write in a name.

    I have never seen a person I voted for get elected.

    I have taken to heart the words of a couple great men:

    "Let every loyal member of the Church look down with scorn upon any man or woman who would undermine that Constitution." (President David O. McKay, Church News, May 29, 1954)

    For those loyal members of the Church reading this comment of mine, this is how we should be looking at Mitt Romney along with every traitor and politican that does things outside the Constitution, look at them with scorn.

    And then John Quincy Adams said this:

    "Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.”

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. It's well-reasoned. My only problem is that I don't trust Romney to do any of what he says he'll do, any more than Obama did. Everyone but Ron Paul has a campaign platform that can best be described as "pay no attention to that man behind the curtain." That man, of course, is Wall Street, or put more precisely, it's the bankster-military-industrial complex.

    So far as waiting 100 years, I don't think we have the time; they've almost completely succeded in recreating the feudal system of old England on a global scale. A stock market bubble was bailed out by a housing bubble, which is being bailed out by a government spending bubble. When that pops - and it will, as we've seen in Europe - the government defaults and our sovereignty is effectively stripped from us by the IMF and the World Bank, just like they do to African nations.

  15. America has to make a choice and the time is running out. We must go back to the principals of the Founding Fathers NOW. If America is not ready here are your options. 1. America turn socialist and colapses due to its debt and social caos. 2. America survives the caos we still are going to face (we are going to have to fight this people like or not)go back to the Founding Fathers Constitutional Republican government principles and in the LONG TERM we survive (a different country because thing will change for the better) and stop this AMERICA IT IS TIME YOU MAY NOT BE READY BUT YOU GOING TO HAVE TO BE READY. LIKE OR NOT. CHRIST IS WATCHING HE IS SHOULD THE FIRST CHIOCE AND 2 SHOULD FOLLOW. AMERICA CANNOT AVOID THE MESS (IF YOU NOTICE HAVE SEE CAOS IN BOTH SCENARIOS) THE DIFFERENCE IS ONE WE COME OUT ALIVE IN THE OTHER ONE WE DO NOT.

  16. "The time is coming when we will have to choose... between what is right and what is easy". For those of you who think that We can excuse, pander, curtsy, and smile our way out of where we are right now,you are very much mistaken. Did you know that the US had its credit downgraded again this past week? No, of course not! The cure must be painful, because what happens without the cure will be horrific. Would you deny a cancer patient chemo because it makes him vomit, lose weight, lose his hair - or would you give him the cure no matter how painful it is, because he does not want to die? What cowards we have become, when we cannot accept and institute what has to be done, and kick to the curb those who lie and tell us that everything is ok, and instead fight for our country and her Constitution again. Frankly, if we take the "easy" middle road now, listen to the panderers and liars, we will deserve what happens to us, when we sell our country for 30 pieces of promised silvery hopes and dreams. I seem to remember a song about that... "Choose the Right... when a choice is placed before you... in the right..." You finish it...

    1. Quoting you, "Would you deny a cancer patient chemo because it makes him vomit, lose weight, lose his hair - or would you give him the cure no matter how painful it is, because he does not want to die?"

      Of course I wouldn't, but then again I'm a democrat. You would let him die if he didn't have money.

      And until the taxes on the rich are so high that they can only afford to live in $200,000 houses, don't tell me we don't have the money to care for our needy.

      2 Nephi 9:30

      30 But wo unto the rich, who are rich as to the things of the world. For because they are rich they despise the poor, and they persecute the meek, and their hearts are upon their treasures; wherefore, their treasure is their god. And behold, their treasure shall perish with them also.

      Choose the Right? I already did. I voted for Obama.

    2. ZZZZZ ZZZZZ Eyes Wide Shut, huh Troy!?!

  17. Romney won't end Obamacare, he started the father program Romneycare. Plus he wants to raise the minimum wage to $11. That would make us lose so many jobs. Clearly not a Conservative.

    Ron Paul is the conservative, fiscally and in foreign policy.

  18. Romney and Obama are the same, here is the evidence:


  19. You can either choose Ron Paul or more war, more debt, more spending and eventual collapse. Romney or Obama, it doesnt matter.

  20. "Romney says..." Is that honestly the best indicator of a good president? Obama said he would do a lot too and just look at how many campaign promises he's broken: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/obameter/rulings/promise-broken/

    Also, of all the candidates you might not want to trust, it's Romney. He has the reputation of a flip flopper for a reason. He has switched his opinion on just about EVERYTHING! He even told the media that his real first name was Mitt. Uh, no, that his middle name. His real first name is Willard. Is he so used to lying that it's simple to do it even on the obvious stuff?

    Romney will not uphold the Constitution. Will he be a better president than Obama? I don't know, maybe. But like you said, you're a constitutionalist. A vote for Romney is a vote for more big government. The cycle will continue. It's got to STOP!

    Vote for the guy who actually does what he says. Don't listen to "they say they'll do this" nonsense. "By their fruits ye shall know them." What has Romney DONE in his career? It's obvious: He's flip flopped based on political convenience. You want that for president?

    I would also like to disagree with your opinion that you're a realist. If you think there's any difference between Obama and Romney, I don't think it's reality you're facing. Both would have signed the NDAA into law; therefore, both support fundamental rights be violated in "the land of the free." Both support insurance mandates. In fact, Romney created the program Obamacare was based on! Both support Goldman Sachs (look no further than their campaign contributions). Both support raiding medical marijuana facilities in various states where it's been deemed legal, thus violating the tenth amendment. Both support war. Romney wants to continue undeclared, unconstitutional wars overseas, and Obama has started many during his reign. But do you really think Romney would behaved differently? Both want to keep Guantanamo Bay open indefinitely, again violating key rights.

    With all that Romney supports, how can you, as a constitutionalist, want to be behind him? It'll be more of the same.

    Also, I'm curious. Would you paint the same political paintings if Romney were president?
