
Truth Will Prevail

Yesterday I began my first entry by introducing myself and my purpose for having a Blog.  It had not been an hour before I had a comment criticizing me for my painting, “One Nation Under God.” I read this gentleman’s remarks that I “should crack open a book sometime to know what truth really is.”  I had to smile as I read since this is a common argument from those that detest the painting. 

One Nation Under God

 He goes on to criticize the painting for including Deists standing behind Christ and my suggesting that our country was founded to be “Under God.”  I would be interested which books this person is using to get his information?  My understanding is that during the “Age of Enlightenment” many of our Founding Fathers were eager to establish a country where men were free to worship God according the dictates of their own conscience.  They wanted to have a system of government not ruled by Kings and nobleman, but by Natural Law or God’s Law where men were free to have life, liberty and the pursuit of property.  The First Amendment of the Constitution made it clear that there would be “no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” 

In 1802 in a letter to the Danbury Baptist Associaton, Jefferson coined the phrase “separation of church and state” in reference to the establishment clause… fifteen years after the Constitution was written.  Jefferson’s clear meaning was that religions were protected from the state, not the other way around!  So now here we are.  The Supreme Court of the United States finds praying in the schools unconstitutional and everything our founders held sacred has been trampled.  If this was their clear intention don’t you think it would have been the standard from day one?  So the question, why did I paint Christ holding the US Constitution in the painting?  Because I believe that the Constitution is divinely inspired.  I believe that the Founding Fathers were inspired.  It was written by imperfect men that were prepared at a time in Earth’s history to do something that had never been done before—a great experiment!  Look what they accomplished.  In the short 234 years since our country’s birth look at the advancements in our world.  Look at the development we’ve made in medicine, science, travel and good will.  We have literally gone from picks and shovels to placing a man on the moon!  Without that Constitution we would not have had the environment needed to make this possible.  All the suffering and grief in the world today is because of evil men and those who subvert the principles of this sacred document.  This is how I see it and I have history on my side.  In this painting I included those whom I believed sacrificed for our country to support the Constitution.  Whether you except them for their faith is unimporiant.  They sacrificed and I think they would hope we would do the same.  Who are you to judge? 

Did Jefferson identify himself as a Deist?  We always hear about the famous ”Jefferson Bible.”  As an intellectual Jefferson was fascinated by the man Jesus and because he cut out the miracles to focus on the words only of the Master in no way condemns Jefferson as a non-believer.  On his deathbed he solemnly proclaimed himself a Christian.  Many of the Founders have been classified as Deists simply because they didn’t attend a regular Christian church.  None of that really matters and that is why I marvel at the negative attention this painting has received from the Left.  Even my newest painting depicting President Obama’s foot on the Constitution (The Forgotten Man) pales to the criticism I have received from “One Nation Under God.”  To those who criticize my painting for being historically inaccurate my response is to read my interpretation of the painting and consider reading history books dated to the time of our country’s founding.  I’m sure my response will infuriate more anti-McNaughton sentiment, but I know the painting represents the truth.  People will write both praise and disgust on this Blog, but truth will prevail.
To read all my notes about this painting CLICK HERE


  1. Your work is truly inspired by God. It's beyond me that anyone could feel anything but divinity and enlightened in viewing your art. Thank you for sharing your gift with the world at a time that we so desperately need to be reminded of his prescence and hand in our lives. Peace be with you.

    Natalie Fincik
    Vero Beach, FL

  2. I have to agree, I love this painting from the moment I saw it. It is truly inspiring! I had to tell my friends and family to go to your site and see your work.
    Thank you for sharing your work with the rest of us.
    God bless

  3. In fact, the Constitution is based on both our founding fathers personal life experiences, and the long history and experience of tyranny under kings (rule of man). The Constitution's foundation is actually a collection of several very popular sermons that were published during the time the it was written (the glory of rule under God's Laws ie 'Rule of Law' vs 'rule of man' or kings)! The freedom we had is what made America Exceptional...

  4. You are so right about everything you said John. Many people actually believe that seperation of church and state is IN the constitution. You and I know of course that it's not. It seems these days that every religion imaginable is protected by the constitution EXCEPT Christianity. All the PC crowd is worried about offending muslims and Jews and such, but they have no problem trashing Christians. It's ridiculous. Don't let these naysayers discourage you John. You just keep bringing your message through your art like you always have. You tell it like it is and that's what inspires me and I'm sure most fans of your work. I am a lifelong follower of your work my friend. I'm gonna stand with you and support you every time those haters come at you brother. You have my word on it. Thanks John for all that you do.

  5. Food for thought,

    My Church told a story a while back, just after the Civil War two brothers went to other Churches both Black and Poor spreading the word of God. While one Brother was preaching the Gospel the other stood vigilantly on guard on the front steps of that church with a shotgun protecting those within. Question, have we come once again to that crossroad and if so, what is the Church going to do???

  6. 'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom'. 'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . Learn the language!'
    'Most Americans believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.'
    'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.'
    'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great American freedom,
    'If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.'
