
The Theme of McNaughton's Book

The overall theme of the book was to lead the reader through the story in a way that they could see how Josh developed a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  He began by simply knowing about Him.  Then he prayed in faith, he sought after His Spirit as a guiding “Voice” in his life.  As he was obedient, he was given more tests, more experiences that brought him closer and expanded his faith.  Eventually, because he persisted, he actually came to know Jesus on a personal level.  This is the theme.  It is heady stuff for some, but I believe it is what Jesus meant when He said, “This is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” (John 17:3)

This book is filled with humor, danger, adventure, and all kinds of unexpected twists to keep the reader engaged in the journey Josh Knight experiences as he learns to “know God.”  Each of us, if we will simply “be believing” can reach up to Him and if we are persistent, we will find Him. 

This morning I read through each review about my book on Amazon and was touched by the many heartfelt writings.  Each person pulled something different from the book and I wished I had more prizes to spread around as they were all so good.  I tried to weave into the story the different principles that have helped me in my life, and each would lead ultimately to the overall theme.
Here is part of the reviews that qualified to win the prizes:

Dee Dee Manning wrote:
“McNaughton reminds us that we have a loving Father who wants us to come to Him with our prayers, our love, our thanks and gratitude and who wants to have a deep personal relationship with us.”

Ellen McKittnick wrote:
“Don’t stop seeking God . . . we are here to find God and spread the light.”

I was looking for themes about seeking God and developing a personal relationship with Him.

From the book it reads:

Chapter 5, Sacred Treasure

“How many of you have accepted Jesus and believe in Him?” said Nathaniel with a loud roaring voice.
The congregation stood on their feet and shouted praises to God. Josh could feel the electricity in the room.
And then with a whisper, Nathaniel said, “How many of you - not just believe in Him, … but know Him.”[1] The room was silent.
“The Master desires to be your closest friend, come to Him, pray to Him, love Him, show him it’s not just idle words. Where is your heart and your treasure?[2] Come unto Jesus and you will find a treasure greater than diamonds or pearls, Amen.” Nathaniel turned and without a word, left the chapel.”

Chapter 12, Build an Altar

“Josh felt a great desire to go seeking after God. How would he do it? He thought about how the Indians would seek Him through signs in the heavens or the signs of nature. Many people look for miracles and read their Bible; they go to church. But how should he do it?
Josh remembered the “Grand Master Key” that Nathaniel taught him.

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and abraideth not; and it shall me given him.[3]

Josh decided that prayer and asking was the best way for him to accomplish his task. Just as the verse said, he lacked wisdom and needed to know. He would do it—he would ask God.”

Again, thank you to all those who participated in the contest and I’ll keep you posted as the sequels to the book are published!

[1] John 17:3
[2] Matthew 6:19-21
[3] James 1:5



This should be a fun contest and I chose to offer my biggest prizes to date. 

Here is how to enter:

      1.     Go to Amazon and get the new Kindle copy of “Knight of the Superstitions.”
Here is the link:   http://tinyurl.com/kqx4ouw
(If you don’t have a Kindle, there is a free Kindle App that will allow you to read it on your computer.)

      2.     After reading my new book, go back to the Amazon page and write a short review explaining what you felt was the main message of the book.  You can give whatever review you like, but the first three that nail the purpose of the book will be the winners.  There are many thoughtful messages within the story, but what do you think is the central theme through out the book?  Be sure that I can identify your name in the comment.

      3.     I will award a $400.00 gift certificate for the first to state the correct theme of the book.  I will award a $150.00 gift certificate for the second and $75.00 for the third to get the correct answer.  Also, I will personalize each painting as you wish.

I felt inspired to write this book and this prize giveaway seems like a good way to help the readers look a little closer.  Best of luck and I will announce the winners as soon as the first three get it right.

Short Review about the Book
The book is written at a young reader level and is filled with humor and adventure, but is also filled with thoughtful insights into God, patriotism and life.  It follows the story of Josh Knight, the son of the local football coach who is blessed to receive painting lessons from a real angel.  He has more than he bargained for as he learns about the unseen Spirit World, the powers of Angels, how to fight Satan and even how to paint a beautiful painting.  I think the message is profound for those who wish to look a little closer.  Best of luck!



Here is an excerpt from my new book.  It is written for young readers, and is filled with humor along with thought provoking questions.  Here is a selection from my chapter called, "Political Correctness."

“Dad, what’s the deal with all the political correctness going on today?” asked Josh.

“What do you mean?” responded Coach.

“Well, it seems like people are looked down upon if they have different ideas about society than those with a more liberal view. For example, I have teachers at school that believe God should never be spoken of in the classroom, or that black people need to be treated different than white people, or that women should be allowed to fight in our wars, and it’s politically incorrect to suggest otherwise. I don’t get it,” said Josh shaking his head.

“I think that there are some people that feel it’s intellectually superior to take the liberal stand regardless of the consequences. Almost thirty years ago, there was a U.S. Senator named Joseph McCarthy that wanted to root out the Communist sympathizers in the government and he got in hot water for speaking his mind and pointing out those whose actions were un-American. He was the most politically incorrect man in America at the time and they destroyed him. In today’s world, if you don’t play by the rules—you’re finished.”

“But why should I have to play by the rules, Dad? Why can’t I just speak the truth and make a stand for what’s right?”

“You certainly can and you should, but people will hate you for it. Some will respect you, but those people tend to be quieter. I remember during the Vietnam War, I got in trouble for speaking my mind all the time. I once mentioned to your grandpa that I thought the war was morally wrong and he laid into me for being un-American and then, when I saw how the veterans were being treated at the airport and complained about it, somebody threw their drink at me and flipped me off. Sometimes I think being politically correct means you have to put up and shut up.”

“I don’t like it, Dad,” said Josh.

“Yes, it stinks. So, are you having some problems with this?” asked Coach.

“Most all my teachers are this way. It’s their opinion or no opinion. Any suggestions?”

“Well, they are your teachers, so you need to be respectful. I would just show them the facts and leave it at that, but don’t be afraid to speak the truth.”