
A Conversation about Economics from a Liberal Point of View

I have the pleasure here of having a discussion with Mr. Ron Berg who has a Masters Degree from Columbia University with an emphasis in Economics and Finance.  He is an advocate for Keynesian Economics and he sees the Federal Reserve as having a vital role in the strength of our economy.  (Probably over 95% of all Economists do.) He is liberal in his thinking, but is kind enough to have an ongoing discussion with me concerning such things.  Obviously, I am more the Libertarian and see large government as the problem, not the solution.

I plan to seriously consider Ron's ideas and see if there are any holes in my theories.  I hope he will do the same.

I am not a professional economist.  I am more the serious student, but I tend to have a contrarian view on most things in life.  I hope to have a better understanding of both his and my point of view by doing this.  For me, all that matters is the truth.