"I know this is personal, but curious if you would answer. Do you have a candidate in mind to vote for? I am very confused about my decision of who to vote for. Just like last time, I find myself looking at the people running for office, and I am tormented to make the right choice. Would respect your input!!"
My response:
Ron Paul is the most constitutional, (which I really like) but the least political. Some may say that is an asset, but I'm afraid he would have a difficult time getting things done with all the obstacles he would face in Washington.
Each of the other candidates have something of value and something that makes me doubt. I keep having debates with my son about voting for Ron Paul. We talk about the issues of Iran, abortion, illegal immigration. If I lined up each candidate based on how they meet my personal ideals, Paul is first. But then there is the argument: is the goal to vote based on ideals or to vote to "remove" Obama and begin the process of reviving our country? I think Paul may only get the strongly conservative voters.
When all is said and done, I will vote based on my conscious.
I would be interested in any strong arguments why I should vote for any particular candidate. This I know...Obama must be voted out of office!