Here is a question I received regarding my painting One Nation Under God.
AMAZING! While I scrolled over every image (I thought), down front, I could see some of the personalities in me, some of which I was ashamed. I did not realize until I read your commentary, and Satan was in there. I had to go back to find him, I finally did, he is almost transparent. I realized, just as we have Jesus in us, we also have Satan, no matter how faint he is. I applaud you. This made me look at my character, and see me, more clearly. Though I am not proud of some of it...
Thank you! I like it when people personalize the painting and they find additional meaning. Your interpretation is exactly what I hope many will consider.
Why would you have Christ be the central figure to such self righteous indignation?
To have Christ in the center so prominently holding the Constitution makes a powerful statement. Some would like to interpret this to mean if you’re not a Christian—get out! My view of Christianity in regards to this painting is this: God loves all of us. In the painting His face is sad and He looks off into the distance as if He can see our future. The purpose of the painting is not to say only Christians belong here. It is to say that the Constitution is what made our country great.
Why do you judge a whole group of people by the actions of a few? Do you actually believe that Christ would approve of the such a generalization of HIS children?
I’m not sure why you assume I am judging anyone. The people in the bottom right corner represent those that I believe are weakening our country by not supporting the principles of the Constitution. These figures represent a symbol of a type of person. If there is any kind of “sin” involved, that is between them and God.