
One Nation Under God on TV

I am asking for some help with a special TV commercial we are doing for my painting One Nation Under God.  It will be aired across the country beginning this August. 

If you own a print of my painting One Nation Under God we would like to include you in the commercial sharing your feelings about the image; what it means to you.  I will give those who participate a free signed print of one of my paintings.  If you live in Utah or are close enough to travel to the studio location I would be grateful.  The day of the TV filming is Wednesday, June 22nd.  It will take only 30 minutes.  If you are interested please e-mail us at mcnaughtonart@msn.com.  Leave your name and phone number and we will call you.  Thank you for your help with our effort.

Jon McNaughton


Shake the Nation

Sometimes life seems stranger than fiction.  One of the things that continue to amaze me is the constant attack I get from those who hate the message I am portraying in my work.  I get a constant barrage of emails, phone calls and shout outs from those who have targeted me for speaking in defense of Christian Conservative values.  This never happened when I was content with only painting landscape paintings, but it sure feels right to take a stand for something in a world that increasingly expects the majority to conform to political correctness.

One of the things that I am endeavoring to do with my art now is to use it as a way to influence people to take a second look at our situation.  To open their eyes to the deceit we have been fed by the media regarding our domestic and foreign policy which has led us down a dangerous road to insolvency and ruin. 

The antagonists can yell and stomp their feet.  I am getting more and more heckling on my Facebook, Twitter and all over the Internet.  But at the same time it is comforting to hear the many words of encouragement and support from those who share my values and belief.  Please pray for my family and me as we embark on the next fourteen months, which lead up to the presidential election.  The new paintings I have planned are going to shake the nation.


I'm Just An Artist...What Can I Do?

I was asked when was the first time I knew I wanted to paint political paintings.  I had to sigh as I remembered the single event that started it all. 

It was a sunny afternoon in the summer of 2008 as I came into my studio with a heavy feeling of depression and helplessness having just heard that John McCain would be the Republican nominee for the Republican party.  I knew in my heart that it would be a difficult race, but McCain was far from a conservative and our country needed someone who believed in the principles of the Constitution. 

As I sat in my chair alone in the gallery I bowed my head and felt the urge to pray.  I remember saying, “Lord, I’m just an artist.  What can I do?”  At that moment I had a singular experience that I will always remember.  I turned my head in the direction of my easel and saw a large painting, completed in full detail.  I looked at it for about ten seconds and just as it was about to fade from my mind the words “One Nation Under God” were audible in my head.  I grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil and as rapidly as I could I drew the placement of the figures as I had seen them.

At that time I didn’t tell anyone but my wife about the experience.  For me it was profound.  I felt God had given me a gift, but it scared me to even think about it.  I had never painted anything like it before.  It was the most politically incorrect image I had ever seen.  I knew people would be angry that did not agree, but I was determined to proceed and do the painting.

Now that it has been almost three years since I released this image I am humbled and amazed at the reaction the painting has received.  Many have been strengthened by its message and many have been critical of the work.  I simply feel that I did what I was supposed to do. 

You could call it a vision, an epiphany, a moment of inspiration, whatever it was, I know that it was inspired and whether the world finds it acceptable is unimportant.  I believe that the Constitution was inspired and that by abiding by its principles of limited government and by remembering our Lord we will be blessed as a people.  

Perhaps in your own life you have felt similar to me.  "I'm just one person.  What can I do?"  The reason I have shared this personal story is not to bring attention to me, but to suggest that you do the same.  When we ask God how we can make a difference He will always answer.  Sometimes the answer is not what we want to hear, but it will change the world if you comply.  As our country struggles to decide which path it will take, we need to use our individual gifts and circles of influence to help as many people as possible to understand what is happening.  

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